Okay City opens new store in Anderlecht
On Wednesday 22 January, Okay City, the urban format of local supermarket Okay, will open a new store on Brogniezstraat in Anderlecht. It will be the very first Okay branch in the municipality, but the eighth Okay City urban store in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Shopping in the city was never easier
Just like at Okay, it’s always easy to do your shopping at Okay City. These urban stores are designed to enable customers to find what they need even faster – within walking or cycling distance from home or work. This is now possible in Anderlecht too, in a brand-new store with a floor space of 330 m2. Customers will find all their daily shopping items there, from drinks, detergents and household products to a wide selection of fresh food: fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, bread and pastries. You can also drop in at Okay City in Anderlecht for a quick coffee, a sandwich or a ready meal.
Affordable and open 7 days a week
As well as convenience, Okay City also takes account of its customers’ budget. The retail chain compares the prices and special offers of supermarkets in the local area every day and adjusts its own prices if necessary. This means that customers at Okay City benefit from great special offers in addition to guaranteed low prices without having to shop around.
‘For locals, we’re the ideal stop on the way home. Lovely fresh fruit and vegetables, bread for tomorrow morning, a quick fix for dinner – you can find everything in one place here and always at a great price’, says city manager David Vrydag, who, together with a team of six permanent store assistants, is ready to welcome customers with a smile. And that’s true 7 days a week, because the store is also open on Sunday mornings.
Care for the environment
À l’instar des autres formules de magasins de Colruyt Group, Okay City accorde beaucoup d’importance à la construction durable, caractérisée par une empreinte environnementale réduite au minimum. Le nouveau Okay City d’Anderlecht est équipé d’un système de refroidissement respectueux de l’environnement, émettant 90 % de CO2 en moins que les installations classiques. Les lampes LED à basse consommation permettent d’économiser 30 % d’électricité et le système de ventilation récupère également 75 % de la chaleur. Le toit végétal de l’immeuble du magasin purifie l’air tout en augmentant la biodiversité.
An eye for the future
De opening van deze nieuwe Okay City past perfect in de ambitie van Colruyt Group om ook in stedelijke omgevingen meer relevante winkelformules aan te bieden, waar consumenten makkelijk en goedkoop hun boodschappen kunnen doen. Intussen zijn er al 22 Okay City-winkels. De nieuwe winkel in Anderlecht is de 8ste Okay City in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, de andere winkels bevinden zich in Gent, Antwerpen, Luik, Blankenberge en Halle. Colruyt Group blijft overigens steeds actief op zoek naar andere geschikte locaties om zijn aanwezigheid in de steden verder uit te breiden.
The opening of this new Okay City fits perfectly with Colruyt Group’s ambition to offer more relevant store formats in urban settings where consumers can do their shopping easily and cheaply. There are now 22 Okay City stores. The new store in Anderlecht is the eighth Okay City in the Brussels-Capital Region; the others are in Ghent, Antwerp, Liège, Blankenberge and Halle. Colruyt Group is also actively looking for other suitable locations with a view to expanding its urban presence further.
Colruyt Group Press Service
Tel.: +32 (0)473 92 45 10 of +32 (0)2 363 55 45
E-mail: press@colruytgroup.com
Informations pratiques :
Okay City Anderlecht Brogniez
Rue Brogniez 158A
1070 Anderlecht
Tél. : +32 2 616 79 08
Opening times:
Monday: 12.00 to 19.30
Tuesday to Saturday: 7.00 to 19.30
Sunday: 8.00 to 12.00